Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chapter Seven: A Leap of Faith

“Oh, Candace, how could you?” Dana sobbed.
Candace stood on the edge, staring at where Rainbow had disappeared. She turned and looked at her friends. Dana was on her knees, head in her hands, sobbing, and Trey was staring at nothing, in complete shock. Candace walked over to them.
“I know it sounds crazy,” she said. “But…I had to do it.”
Trey’s eyes focused and looked at her. “Oh, so you ‘had’ to kill her?” he questioned angrily.
“this will sound weird, too,” Candace answered him. “But…I don’t think she’s dead.”

Rainbow stood at the top of Yosemite Falls, looking over Yosemite Valley. She turned to Trey, who was next to her.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” she asked.
“It’s amazing,” he replied.
“Don’t you just love it, Danish?” Rainbow asked, leaning over to look at Dana.
“Oh, yes,” Dana answered. “I’m so glad I came all the way up. It’s so tall.”
Rainbow’s eyes wandered back to the bottom of the fall. “Now, that I look at it, it is pretty high up.” She looked back at her friends. “I wonder if anyone’s ever fallen off.”
Dana and Trey laughed. “I doubt it.”
Rainbow swallowed, looking down at the glistening water from a dizzying height. “You could fall forever,” she mumbled, swaying a bit.
Trey steadied her, with his hands on her shoulders. “Be careful, Rainy.” He looked around. “Wait, where’s Candy?”
At that moment, Rainbow heard something move behind her, so she turned. It was Candy, and Rainbow saw a strange look in her eyes.
“Candy, what’s wrong?” she asked. But said nothing and just pushed her. “Candace, what are you doing?!” she screamed. Rainbow struggled to regain balance, and clawed at the air. Yelling, Trey grabbed her wrist, but he lost his grip. To Rainbow, everything seemed to move in slow motion. She saw Trey with his arm still outstretched towards her. Dana reached for her in vain, and screamed something at Candace. Then Rainbow began to fall. Faster and faster she fell. The drops from the water stung her face like hail. Her head felt light. One thought went through her mind. “I’m going to die.”
As her vision began to fade, she felt a warm, tingling sensation all over her. It became stronger, and Rainbow noticed she was glowing. A golden light flashed, and all went black.

“How could she not be dead?!” Trey yelled at Candace.
“I don’t know how,” Candace slowly replied. “I just…know.”
Trey started to talk again, pacing back and forth, saying something about how, logically, Rainbow couldn’t possibly be alive after falling from the top of a waterfall that was nearly 1,500 feet tall. He barely caught what Candace said next.
“I must follow her.”
Trey stopped, mid-sentence, and Dana stood up.
“Candy what do you mean?” she asked.
“Just what I said,” Candy replied. She looked at them. “And…and I want you to follow me.” Trey and Dana’s jaws dropped. “I know, it sounds crazy,” Candy hastened to explain. “And you can decide whether you want to or not,” she went on. “But I’m going, and I want you to follow me.” Candace turned and walked over to the edge.
Dana called out, “Candy, what do you think will happen?”
Candace looked over her shoulder. “I don’t know, Dana,” she smiled sadly. “I really don’t.”
Then taking a big breath, she stepped off the edge. Dana let out a little sob. She and Trey then ran up to the edge, and watched her fall. Just like Rainbow, she glowed. Then, with a golden flash, she was gone.
Trey turned to Dana. “What are we going to do?” he sighed.
Dana looked at him in disbelief. “You’re not actually thinking of following her, are you?” Trey just stared down the waterfall. Except for the roar of the water, all was silent. “Are you?” Dana repeated in a weak voice.
“I don’t know, Dana,” he moaned, turning and pacing.
Dana watched him. “I mean, how can we believe her? Candy didn’t even know what was going to happen!”
“I know.”
“What we should do, is find Rainbow’s dad and explain what happened.” she said, while thinking at the same time how hard that would be. She turned to go, but Trey stopped her.
“Wait, Dana.” She turned back. “What if something bad happens if we don’t go?”
She just stared at him. “Is everyone going crazy today?” she thought. Aloud, she sighed and said, “Come on, Trey.” Dana began to walk off again.
“All right, then. I’ll go by myself.”
Dana spun around, only to see Trey at the edge of the sheer drop.
“Trey, no!” she gasped.
He turned to face her, and in his deep brown eyes, Dana saw fear, but also a strange kind of peace. “You don’t have to follow,” he calmly said. “Like Candy said, it’s your choice.” He stared down. The elevation was breath taking. Looking back at Dana, he said, with a little smile, “Maybe this is the adventure we’ve all been waiting for.”
Turning back, toes on the edge, Trey jumped.
Dana sighed. “Oh, Trey.”

The wind whistled in Trey’s ears. It blew through his brown hair. As he fell faster, Trey thought, “This would be fun, if I wasn’t about to die, but… I don’t know, maybe I won’t… maybe Candy was right.”
Suddenly a warm, tingling feeling circulated throughout his body. A glow came from somewhere. Trey didn’t know it came from himself. A sudden golden flash dazzled him, and all went black.

Dana was left alone at the top of Yosemite Falls. The sun was just beginning to set, bathing everything in a warm, golden light. She sat down miserably on a boulder.
“I want to believe them,” she cried. “But I… I’m scared.”
A man’s calm, reassuring voice whispered to her calmly. “Do not fear, my daughter.” Dana looked around. There was no one in sight. “Your friends are safe,” the voice went on. “Don’t be afraid to follow them.”
Dana slowly stood and walked over to the edge. One of her favorite verses resonated throughout her mind. “Do not be afraid for I am with you.” Aloud, she stated the reference. “Isaiah 43:5.” Dana sighed, looking down.
“I’m always with you,” the voice whispered. Peace washed over her, and she felt afraid no longer.
“I will do it,” she breathed. “I must!” Squeezing her eyes shut, Dana stepped off the edge. It felt as if she was on a roller coaster with a never-ending drop. As she fell, the voice spoke to her.
“Trust Me… don’t be afraid… trust Me…”
Dana opened her eyes and saw the ground approaching. She began to panic. “What was I thinking?!” her thoughts screamed.
“Trust Me…”
Just as she was about to collide with the ground, Dana tingled all over and, with a flash of golden light, blacked out.

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