Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chapter Fifteen: Dye and Spy

The rest of the journey to Valeera was eventless for Trey, Alagasia, Chasya, and Lander. Soon, huts and several people were visible through the trees. The group passed by, without knowing, the very tree under which Rainbow had awakened. When they entered the village, Trey blinked a little, for the sun was brighter in the open village than in the tree-enclosed forest.
Trey looked with fascination on the little town. As he observed his surroundings, he failed to notice at first the wide, staring eyes that were focused on him. When he did notice the townspeople, and when he made eye contact with them, they diverted their gaze and cowered away. There was a complete silence. Lander, who was still leading, stopped and turned around.
“Alagasia, find Mason,” he commanded.
“Yes, Lander,” she replied, and began to walk away. But she halted, for a voice called out.
“’Gasia! Lander! Chasya!”
The little group began to search the crowd for the speaker. They did not have to look long. A tall warrior was running over to meet them. Trey soon found that his name was Edmund, for Alagasia, Chasya, and Lander greeted him with that name.
“Edmund, I have not seen you in ages! I thought you were dead!” Alagasia said dramatically.
“I know, it has been forever,” the young man replied, green eyes sparkling. Then he noticed Trey. “Hullo, who’s the brown-haired one?”
Trey stood taller and said, “I am Trey.”
Edmund made a slight bow. “Greetings, Trey.” Turning to Alagasia, he whispered, “What a strange name.”
Alagasia rolled her eyes and said, “Seriously.”
“Edmund,” Lander spoke. “Have you seen Mason and Sapphire?”
A thoughtful look came over Edmund’s face, and then he answered, “Who knows where Sapphire is? She’s so…so…mystical.”
“Agreed,” Chasya and Alagasia replied. Edmund went on.
“And I think Mason went to Pethochos.”
Lander gave an exasperated sigh. “That’s where we need to go,” he said. “Do you know when he will return?”
“No. But he left only an hour and half ago. He was taking two girls with him. They were strange. One had red hair, and the other had brown hair.”
Trey’s mind raced. “Rainbow!” he said aloud.
“Where?” Chasya said eagerly, for she had never seen a rainbow. The others stared at Trey, puzzled. “No, that’s…that’s one of my best friends! She came here before me! Before all of us!” he said excitedly.
“All of you?” Alagasia said.
“Just how many people from your world are in Keenzendura?” Lander asked.
The others continued to stare at Trey. He looked at each of them in turn, as he answered. “Well, two went before me. Rainbow, then Candace. And maybe one followed me.”
Edmund spoke next. “Describe these friends of yours, Candace and Rainbow.” To Alagasia, he muttered, “These names…”
Pretending not to have heard that comment, Trey answered. “Rainbow is fourteen, almost fifteen, with long, curly red hair and clear blue eyes.”
Chasya sighed. “I wish I had red hair.” A look from Lander silenced her.
Trey went on. “Candace is sixteen, with long, dark brown hair and hazel eyes, I think. Oh, and Rainbow has a bit of her hair dyed blue.
“Died?” Chasya asked. “What is that? Her hair was killed?”
Trey didn’t dare smile, and tried to explain. “No, it means she colored it like that. She um…took out some of the red, and replaced it with blue.” Everyone’s face was a blank stare.
“How did she accomplish this?” Edmund asked. “Is she an intelligent scientist, who has invented a unique formula?”
“Like Sterling,” Alagasia whispered to Chasya.
Trey did smile this time. Imagine Rainbow as a scientist! “No! She uses…hair dye. It’s kinda like paint. And she uses a brush to put it in, then it washes out, but the color…stays in.”
All but Lander had their mouths hanging slightly open and were looking at Trey as if he’d grown a third eye. A silence. Then Lander cleared his throat and spoke.
“Chasya, go buy some food and water for Trey while he lies down. The heat seems to have gone to his head.”
Not wanting to argue, Trey laid down on a bench that was in the shade. He was very tired. Sleep overtook him…


Object spun around Trey. Too fast. They were only blurs. Voices echoed through his mind. The voices were jumbled together, he couldn’t understand them. Then the objects slowly stopped spinning and voices became more distinct.
Trey looked around and saw he was in a beautiful throne room. Beautiful, but dark, and he could sense the evil in it. The vaulted ceiling stretched up, it was perhaps seventy feet high. The light, what light there was, came not from windows and one might expect for a room as large as this, but from torches which shone a sickly green. Twelve tall pillars lined either side of the room, and the floor was a glossy black.
Trey was standing but a few yards from the throne, and could see and hear everything that was taking place. The throne was carved out of black marble, and on either side of it was one red torch. Sitting in the throne was a tall, pale young woman, with her hair done messily up in the back of her head. Her cheeks were blushed red. Her black eyes glinted blood-red. Her white hand clutched a scepter, which was black and, at the top, ended in a purple orb. She wore a red corset over her black dress, which, at the hem, was cut into long tendrils of fabric. A splash of red went down the front of her skirt. A cape, cut in the same manner of her dress, was draped over her shoulders.
The woman spoke to a man who was standing in front of her throne. He wore all black with a red cape. His features showed that he too was fairly young, maybe in his early twenties. His deep blue eyes looked nervous and worried. A crooked dagger hung at his belt. With a smooth, flattering voice, he spoke.
“My wonderful empress, I am afraid I have distressing news.” He paused.
The woman, uninterested, flicked her wrist. “Go on.”
“Well…” The man fingered a corner of his cape, nervously glancing around the room. Trey immediately searched for a place to hide from the man’s gaze, but then realized he couldn’t see him. A loud sigh from the woman broke the sudden silence and startled both Trey and the stranger.
“Gorlovka, I don’t waste time. Speak.” She said firmly.
“My lady, it’s the spies…they’ve” he winced. “…escaped.”
The woman stood in anger. “How?” she said, obviously trying to control her voice.
“I…I don’t know.” The man stared at his black boots, ashamed.
The empress walked up to him, and for a moment it seemed as if she was going to strike him, but she them turned and sat back down. “You know, Gorlovka, that there are many others who would love to take your job as second-in-command should I find you…less worthy.”
Gorlovka looked up at her and pleaded, “No, m’lady, please!” Then realizing a whining voice would get him nowhere, he changed his tone. “I’ll do anything to prove my worth.” He bowed.
The woman looked him straight in the eyes. “Anything?”
Gorlovka dropped to one knee. “Yes.”
The woman smiled. An evil smile. “Bring me the Keystone of Moonlight.”
Gorlovka stood. “But, it was lost many years ago.”
The lady’s sharp laugh filled the room for a brief second, then she spoke, still smiling, “You really believe that? You believe the lying tongues of those Trenadonians?” She walked over to Gorlovka. “In the town of Valeera, there is a boy called… Mason.”
Gorlovka’s eyes widened. “Not your bro-“
“Shut up!” she cut him off with a loud voice that echoed through the room. “Mason is the ‘Keeper of the Keystones’. He must have them. Both of them”
“But how-“
“Take your men and go to Valeera. Kill all who oppose you.”
Gorlovka turned and hastily walked away. About halfway down the room, he stopped. “Valrone, what of Mason?” His voice lowered to a whisper. “Your…brother.”
Valrone’s eyes narrowed. Her grip on her scepter tightened, making her knuckles even whiter, if that were possible. The room began to spin around Trey again. He could still hear her, though. Her voice came through gritted teeth. “Mason is no brother of mine. Kill him.” As everything went black, Valrone’s last words echoed through Trey’s mind.
“But bring him to me first. I want to watch him die.”

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